Friday, August 7, 2009



There are two very special little girls where you are and I miss them so much. Nate's gorgeous little girlfriends were taken from us when they were just under 6 months old, this just breaks my heart. Please make sure that they are taken care of for me. I know you'll show them all the love you have and I love you even more for that.

Missing you everyday,


Uncle Andy

Grandpa I'm sure you already know, but Uncle Andy passed away this week. He was in the hospital when Mom took grandma to see him. It was already heartbreaking because they were losing a brother-in-law and an uncle, but it was especially hard because it brought back their memories of you. Being that you are identical twins they said it looked just like you lying in that hospital bed. Uncle Andy was getting angry about the c-pap mask on his face just like you did, he told the nurses that if they put it on him again he was going to break it.....this was almost word for word what you told the nurses.

I remember when we were little that if we saw Uncle Andy we would think he was you. One instance that I remember is when we were in Wal-Mart, all four of us were with mom and we were all younger. We saw Uncle Andy ahead in an isle and we were trying to get his attention "grandpa! grandpa!" He came over to us to tell us that he was your brother, our uncle and not our grandpa. Being young we didn't quite understand because "you look like my grandpa so you must be grandpa." I came to understand even the slightest of differences that made you unique. Although Uncle Andy was sweet I could tell that he wasn't you when he talked. You had a tone to your voice when you would speak, so sweet and so caring. I could tell in your voice just how wonderful you were and how much you loved us. You had a goofy little face you would make when you were trying to be silly and when you would smile it was contagious.

The evening before Uncle Andy passed he was in his hospital room asking everyone if they saw his arm being pulled? When they told him no he said "you can't see him, Amo is standing right here pulling on my arm telling me to come on." Amo was Uncle Andy's nickname for you, were you there with him grandpa? I bet it brought him comfort knowing that you were waiting on him. I wish I could have been in that room just to feel your presence.

Mom said Uncle Andy told everyone that night that he wasn't dealing as well with your death as it appeared. Your bond is only something a twin can understand, he said that you were one person split into two people. He said that when you died he felt like half of himself died and then he told everyone in the room that he was ready to let the other half go. That is so very sweet that you had such an amazing bond, but on the other hand it makes me so incredibly sad for Uncle Andy to know he was going through that amount of grief but didn't want to upset everyone by saying how he felt.

Now you, Uncle Andy, and Uncle Harold are together again. All four Geesy boys can be together, you three can join your brother that died in the war. You, Uncle Andy, and Uncle Harold all passed away this year within 6 months of each other. I hope it brought comfort to each of you knowing that when you passed you had a brother waiting for you.

I love you very much! There's not a day that goes by that you don't pop into my mind, I miss you!