Friday, July 10, 2009

THIS WEEK...........

This week has been a constant reminder that you're gone........

Tuesday: Grandma had to celebrate your 59th wedding anniversary without you.
Thursday: We had to continue on with our day knowing we should have been eating cake for your birthday.
TODAY: Greg and I are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary.

I got nostalgic today and was looking through my wedding scrapbooks. I made it through the books smiling even though you were in a few pictures, but the last picture of one of the scrapbooks brought me to tears. It's a picture of you and I dancing at my reception which is, with the exception of becoming Mrs. Twiford, a top memory of my wedding day. I had danced with my new husband and with my dad, but mom had the DJ call us out to the dance floor for a dance. We danced to "My girl" that song was so fitting because you made all the women you loved feel like they were the most important girl in your life. Since your birthday was the day before my wedding as we were dancing you told me that getting to dance with me on my wedding day was the best birthday present you got that year and that you were so happy you got to live to see this day. If only I had known that you would be gone a few years after our dance I would have asked the DJ to play the song again. I would have danced longer, I would have told you over and over how much a love you. I should have told you what a wonderful man you are and how you much you mean to me.

I am so happy that I got the chance to create such a wonderful memory of us on my wedding day. You were so adorable all dressed up in your little suit. Shorty is getting married in October and I wish that she could dance with you at her wedding. I remember that I started crying at Jami and Sam's wedding just because you were walking out to the dance floor to dance with her. Mom asked me what was wrong and all I could say was "grandpa is dancing with Jami, he's wearing a suit." I really had no reason to cry like that over you dancing with her, but it was just so sweet seeing you two. I was thinking "I want that on my wedding day."

The love you had for our family was so amazing, I could just watch you and see that you loved all of us but in a slightly different way. There was the love I saw when you were with grandma, you would give her kisses and hold her hand. There was the love of a father I would see when you were around mom, aunt Sharon, aunt Debbie, and uncle Doug. There was the love of a grandfather that I got to witness first hand, you even extended that love to your great-grandchildren. You made those that married into our family feel like they had been a part of it all along. I hope that my marriage is as long and wonderful as you and grandma's. I also hope that I will be an amazing parent and grandparent to my family as you've been to ours.

I love you,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I am thinking about you today, this would have been your birthday. I should be coming home to visit you, calling to sing to you, giving you a gift of handkerchiefs and pocket t-shirts because those were the things you liked. But, instead I am just sad and missing you today because I can't do any of those things. I'm also thinking of grandma today, two days ago was your anniversary and today your birthday. It's just alot for her to deal with this week.

The fact that it's such a rainy, dark day outside doesn't help my sadness.....I feel like crying today! I just miss you so very much! I don't think anything will fill this void I have from missing you but this is life, we lose the ones we love and are forced to live on without them.

Missing you today and everyday,

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today is your 59th wedding anniversary and my heart is breaking for grandma today. I called her and she of course got me crying, she misses you so much! She said that she went out to the cemetery to visit you and gave you a rose for your anniversary, very sweet. I tried to change the subject when I was talking to her on the phone, but it kept coming around about you. I know that grandma is loved today and we are all checking on her, but no amount of love from our family will fix the pain she is experiencing today. This was her first anniversary without her husband and I'm sure that she feels lost today.

I love you! I miss you bunches!