Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ballpark memories..........

As the weather begins to warm up I know it's that time of year again, softball season. Dad had a game the other night and when I talked to mom she said she was on her way to pick up granny Bess because she wanted to watch dad play. I remember you and granny Bess always at the ball park. Whether it was dad, one of your grandkids, or great-grandkids you would never miss a game. Most of the time you had to park along the fence with your air on in the car because it was too hot for you to be outside with your asthma. I remember leaning into the driver's side window of your car and giving you a kiss. If I forgot and tried to walk past you I'd hear "hey you aren't you gonna give your grandpa a kiss young lady?!" I remember how you would tell grandma when someone scored a run because she had her little notepad keeping track of the score. I still don't know why you did that, that's what a scoreboard is for goofy! The last time I was at one of dad's games which was last year I sat in the car with you and grandma. I had Nathaniel and he was too little to be in the hot sun that day.

I miss you so much papaw Goose, but I'm so lucky to have all of these memories of you. I hope that wherever you are you're healthy with a brand new set of lungs. Please watch over my Bess right now, give her the strength to get through loosing you. Her heart is completely broken and she looks so sad.

1 comment:

  1. I was not at the ball park often but I remember exactly what you are talking about. I loved leaning in and giving him an kiss and his face and lips would be cold from sitting in the cool car..... :)
