Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shorty's wedding

We missed you this day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



Having you in my life for 28 years became so normal that I sometimes catch myself doing or saying things before a realize that you aren't here anymore. Some recent examples are.....

Shorty had her wedding shower and I was passing out cake to her guests. I had already packed up a piece of cake to take to dad and one for Aunt Lisa to take home to Uncle Doug. I went over to the table where grandma was and I stopped myself before I said the full sentence that started to come out. Out of habit I was about to ask grandma if she wanted me to wrap up a piece of cake so she could take it home to you. All that came out was "Grandma, do you...." and then I stopped because I realized what I was about to say. I played it off because had I not caught myself I'm pretty sure that it would have really upset grandma.

The other night I was writing out our list of people we are buying Christmas for so that we can determine our Christmas budget. Out of habit I wrote your name on the list and didn't think anything of it. As I was reading through the list again to come up with an amount to spend for each person I realized that I had written your name down. This made me upset because I already know that this will be our first Christmas without you, but I guess it made it real to have to cross you off the list. I won't get to get you your Old Spice, shaving set, socks, and handkerchiefs like every other year. You always knew what you were getting but we still wrapped it, you asked for what you needed and it was the same thing every year.

When I catch myself doing these things I think it's silly, like I shouldn't be so dumb to make these mistakes. You are gone and I know this. But then again sometimes I feel like I could walk into your house and there you'll be sitting in your recliner telling me to come over and give you a kiss as soon as I step foot in the door.

Friday, August 7, 2009



There are two very special little girls where you are and I miss them so much. Nate's gorgeous little girlfriends were taken from us when they were just under 6 months old, this just breaks my heart. Please make sure that they are taken care of for me. I know you'll show them all the love you have and I love you even more for that.

Missing you everyday,


Uncle Andy

Grandpa I'm sure you already know, but Uncle Andy passed away this week. He was in the hospital when Mom took grandma to see him. It was already heartbreaking because they were losing a brother-in-law and an uncle, but it was especially hard because it brought back their memories of you. Being that you are identical twins they said it looked just like you lying in that hospital bed. Uncle Andy was getting angry about the c-pap mask on his face just like you did, he told the nurses that if they put it on him again he was going to break it.....this was almost word for word what you told the nurses.

I remember when we were little that if we saw Uncle Andy we would think he was you. One instance that I remember is when we were in Wal-Mart, all four of us were with mom and we were all younger. We saw Uncle Andy ahead in an isle and we were trying to get his attention "grandpa! grandpa!" He came over to us to tell us that he was your brother, our uncle and not our grandpa. Being young we didn't quite understand because "you look like my grandpa so you must be grandpa." I came to understand even the slightest of differences that made you unique. Although Uncle Andy was sweet I could tell that he wasn't you when he talked. You had a tone to your voice when you would speak, so sweet and so caring. I could tell in your voice just how wonderful you were and how much you loved us. You had a goofy little face you would make when you were trying to be silly and when you would smile it was contagious.

The evening before Uncle Andy passed he was in his hospital room asking everyone if they saw his arm being pulled? When they told him no he said "you can't see him, Amo is standing right here pulling on my arm telling me to come on." Amo was Uncle Andy's nickname for you, were you there with him grandpa? I bet it brought him comfort knowing that you were waiting on him. I wish I could have been in that room just to feel your presence.

Mom said Uncle Andy told everyone that night that he wasn't dealing as well with your death as it appeared. Your bond is only something a twin can understand, he said that you were one person split into two people. He said that when you died he felt like half of himself died and then he told everyone in the room that he was ready to let the other half go. That is so very sweet that you had such an amazing bond, but on the other hand it makes me so incredibly sad for Uncle Andy to know he was going through that amount of grief but didn't want to upset everyone by saying how he felt.

Now you, Uncle Andy, and Uncle Harold are together again. All four Geesy boys can be together, you three can join your brother that died in the war. You, Uncle Andy, and Uncle Harold all passed away this year within 6 months of each other. I hope it brought comfort to each of you knowing that when you passed you had a brother waiting for you.

I love you very much! There's not a day that goes by that you don't pop into my mind, I miss you!

Friday, July 10, 2009

THIS WEEK...........

This week has been a constant reminder that you're gone........

Tuesday: Grandma had to celebrate your 59th wedding anniversary without you.
Thursday: We had to continue on with our day knowing we should have been eating cake for your birthday.
TODAY: Greg and I are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary.

I got nostalgic today and was looking through my wedding scrapbooks. I made it through the books smiling even though you were in a few pictures, but the last picture of one of the scrapbooks brought me to tears. It's a picture of you and I dancing at my reception which is, with the exception of becoming Mrs. Twiford, a top memory of my wedding day. I had danced with my new husband and with my dad, but mom had the DJ call us out to the dance floor for a dance. We danced to "My girl" that song was so fitting because you made all the women you loved feel like they were the most important girl in your life. Since your birthday was the day before my wedding as we were dancing you told me that getting to dance with me on my wedding day was the best birthday present you got that year and that you were so happy you got to live to see this day. If only I had known that you would be gone a few years after our dance I would have asked the DJ to play the song again. I would have danced longer, I would have told you over and over how much a love you. I should have told you what a wonderful man you are and how you much you mean to me.

I am so happy that I got the chance to create such a wonderful memory of us on my wedding day. You were so adorable all dressed up in your little suit. Shorty is getting married in October and I wish that she could dance with you at her wedding. I remember that I started crying at Jami and Sam's wedding just because you were walking out to the dance floor to dance with her. Mom asked me what was wrong and all I could say was "grandpa is dancing with Jami, he's wearing a suit." I really had no reason to cry like that over you dancing with her, but it was just so sweet seeing you two. I was thinking "I want that on my wedding day."

The love you had for our family was so amazing, I could just watch you and see that you loved all of us but in a slightly different way. There was the love I saw when you were with grandma, you would give her kisses and hold her hand. There was the love of a father I would see when you were around mom, aunt Sharon, aunt Debbie, and uncle Doug. There was the love of a grandfather that I got to witness first hand, you even extended that love to your great-grandchildren. You made those that married into our family feel like they had been a part of it all along. I hope that my marriage is as long and wonderful as you and grandma's. I also hope that I will be an amazing parent and grandparent to my family as you've been to ours.

I love you,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I am thinking about you today, this would have been your birthday. I should be coming home to visit you, calling to sing to you, giving you a gift of handkerchiefs and pocket t-shirts because those were the things you liked. But, instead I am just sad and missing you today because I can't do any of those things. I'm also thinking of grandma today, two days ago was your anniversary and today your birthday. It's just alot for her to deal with this week.

The fact that it's such a rainy, dark day outside doesn't help my sadness.....I feel like crying today! I just miss you so very much! I don't think anything will fill this void I have from missing you but this is life, we lose the ones we love and are forced to live on without them.

Missing you today and everyday,

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today is your 59th wedding anniversary and my heart is breaking for grandma today. I called her and she of course got me crying, she misses you so much! She said that she went out to the cemetery to visit you and gave you a rose for your anniversary, very sweet. I tried to change the subject when I was talking to her on the phone, but it kept coming around about you. I know that grandma is loved today and we are all checking on her, but no amount of love from our family will fix the pain she is experiencing today. This was her first anniversary without her husband and I'm sure that she feels lost today.

I love you! I miss you bunches!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy (grand) Father's Day


Today we had a fun day at mom and dad's house, a father's day cookout. We were already at the house and mom was on her way back home because she went to pick up Bess. Grandma walked in the house and was already crying at this point. I just hugged her and she said today was a tough day, our first father's day without you. I try to push things like this out of my mind because if I didn't I would always be sad. Today I couldn't help but miss you because all of us were there, Darb and Bob, and grandma and grandpa Boyd too. I felt sad for mom today because dad got to spend father's day with his dad, but mom had to place a father's day ribbon on your grave. They went out to your grave site today to pay remembrances to you, my sisters went as well. Mom asked me if I wanted to come and go to your grave with them, but I declined her offer. I just can't go to that cemetery! I can't see your name on a tombstone, it breaks my heart because I miss you so very much! I can't even look at a picture of you without feeling the ache of sadness. I called Greg on Friday crying while Nate and I were sitting in the car at Meijer because I was missing you. Nate and I had went into Meijer to get a father's day gift for Greg's dad. He wanted some pocket t-shirts and I started to get upset just shopping for those because those were the shirts that you always wore. In the same section I saw handkerchiefs and that further upset me because you always had one in your pocket. I wasn't crying in the store or anything I just got really sad with a few tears rolling down my face. When Nate and I got in the car I got in the glove box to get out a cd and I saw your handkerchief that I was keeping in there, one that I bought you for Christmas embroidered with your initial. This was the point that I actually started crying, I was actually crying to the point where Nate started crying because me being upset was making him upset. I don't know why because it only made it worse but I smelled the handkerchief, grandma had washed it but it was in your drawer when she gave it to me. It still smells like you, like your cologne.

Just when I get to where I think I'm getting better at missing you so much something simple can remind me of you and the grief feels like someone has punched me in the face. You were so wonderful I couldn't have asked for a more loving grandpa. I don't know how you did it, so many grandkids yet you had enough love to spread around making each one of us feel like you loved us the most. I can't thank you enough for the love you've given me and I'm grateful that I was so close to you. Because I love you so much is why losing you still continues to hurt this bad.

I love you, I miss you. I wish I could have just one more hug!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Nathaniel......


Today is Nathaniel's 1st birthday and while I'm happy, this day is bittersweet for a couple of reasons. One of those reasons being that you are not here to enjoy it with us. I'm just thinking about how fun it would be to have you at his party and how I know you thought the world of your great-grandson. I remember how goofy you were at Ethan's 1st birthday party.....there were all the little kids wearing their birthday hats and you with one on too. ................I was hoping to have a fun memory like that of Nathaniel's party.

I remember how anxious you were to see Nathaniel for the first time. He was three weeks old when you first got to hold him, we had came into town for Relay for Life. You had to hold him for a specific amount of time because you said he needed to get used to you and know your smell so that he would know who you were. The moment you got to hold him you were crazy about him, you said he looked just like his daddy.

Since you didn't get to see Nathaniel as much as you'd like to we called you and grandma at least one a week so you could hear him. I'd put the phone up to his ear and he'd just grin when he heard your voice. You would always want me to get him giggling because you loved hearing his laugh. Anytime we would come to Winchester for a visit you would patiently wait your turn to hold him, but when you got him you weren't going to give him up to anyone. Nathaniel loved his great-grandpa Geesy snuggles, I guess it was comforting to him because he would just cuddle up with you and most of the time would fall asleep.

The last picture I have of you and Nathaniel was taken two weeks before you died. You can tell by the big smile on his face that he loved his papaw Goose! You were trying to smile, but you just didn't have the energy. You went to the hospital that next week and when we came to visit you, you got to hold Nathaniel for the last time. He was so good that day, just smiling at you, giving you cuddles, he was laughing out loud like you loved. You would be so proud of Nathaniel now. He's a year old today and getting so big. He's talking more and more and is starting to walk, he's taken three steps.

I wish you were here so that we could create more memories like the ones I cherish now. But, wanting you here is for my own selfish reasons because I'm not strong enough dealing with the grief. You are in a better place now and no longer sick, to want you here in that state would be extremely selfish on my part. You are gone, life goes on but there is always the want and what ifs that hold you back. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm ok without you, but I would much rather have you here. I am missing you today....I love you so much!

Here is Nathaniel's one year picture......I wanted you to see it.


This is a letter that I wrote to grandpa about a week after he passed. I thought I would post it on here.

Dear grandpa,

Losing you was not easy and not having you around has definitely affected every member of our family. We are such a close family and you were there for everything. A few months back when mom called to tell me you were in the hospital I was shocked because with the exception of your asthma you had always been so well and able to care for you and my little Bess. Those days with you the ICU I prayed that God would keep you here with us because we were not ready to let you go.

After a week in the hospital you seemed to be doing better and were released to the rehab facility. Once you recovered from there and were sent home my nerves calmed because I thought we got through this little scare and now everything is going to go back to normal again. But, we both know that was not the case. Mom called to say that you were back in the hospital again, but as long as you could get rid of that damn pneumonia you would make a full recovery.

I'm so glad that Greg, Nate, and I came to visit you in the hospital that Sunday night because this was the last time I spoke with you in person. I just remember me sitting on your bed holding your hand and playing with the skin on your fingers like I've done since I was little. You got to hold your newest great-grandchild Nate for the last time that night and he really put on a show for you giving you the big smiles. I remember you getting on to the nurses to "get grandma some damn blankets so she can rest," even sick and in the hospital you still were making sure your Bess was taken care of. When we left the hospital that night I think I gave you the biggest hug I've ever given you because I though if this is the last one I get to give to you I better make it count, I just couldn't let go. I'm sure I told you that I loved you at least 10 times within that one hug. I didn't let you see me cry but, my little secret I can share with you now is that I cried most of the way home. I told Greg that I've spent 28 years of having you around and I couldn't imagine going home for a visit without being able to stop by and see you, that's me being selfish I guess.

When they sent you home for the last time with the doctor telling us you weren't going to get any better I was sick. Then that was followed with days of emotional torture as mom would call and say "Grandpa is not doing well he had a bad night, Grandpa is unresponsive, he had quite a breathing spell, now Grandpa is fine he's watching TV eating spaghetti." I can tell you I thought I was going to have a stroke. On Thursday February 5th when mom called and said you weren't doing well I didn't really believe her because I figured well ok she'll call back in 20 minutes and say you were eating spaghetti again. But, that was not the case this time instead I got a text from mom "YOU MIGHT WANT TO COME HOME". My heart stopped because I knew it was real this time. As I rushed to get Greg and pack a bag for Nate my phone rang and it was Johna telling me that you had just passed. At that moment my heart sank and my mind flashed with all the memories we shared. As the tears rolled down my face I remembered you and I dancing at my wedding and I just lost it.

In a mad dash to get to Winchester even though it was too late we finally got there. There was our whole family, your little house full of everyone that loved you. The funeral home hadn't picked you up yet and you were still lying in your recliner chair. I went up to you and gave you a kiss on the forehead and told you I loved you. I also rubbed your head knowing it was the one time I could do so without get scolded, you hated your hair being messed with.

Your funeral was one of my hardest days emotionally, I could not compose myself. Grandma made sure they played your favorite, Old Rugged Cross by George Jones it was really nice. Don't you worry about your little Bess she is being taken care of. I miss you so much and I hurt for my Bess because now that I'm married and have a family I know what it's like to have that love and attachment to someone. I can understand how hard it would be to loose the person you've created children and a lifetime of memories with. I know it must break her heart to now have to live in the home you once shared, alone. She spent 58 years with you by her side as her husband and I know it won't be easy by any means, but the love of her family that you made sure was strong will help her get through this.

I love you so much grandpa and you will have a place in my heart forever. I miss you and I will keep your memory alive and share with Nate how you thought the world of him or as your would say "he is really something, I love that little man of yours." Thank you for making Greg feel so welcome into the family he really misses you too; you were his grandpa for going on 8 years now.
Thank you for your love my grandpa Goose! You are greatly missed and I hope that one day I can think of you without crying.

In loving memory of Floyd Geesy.
July 9, 1930 - February 5, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thinking of you today....

Today is a beautiful day outside, I wish you could see it. I bet if you were here you and grandma would be out on the front porch swing enjoying the day. I wish you were here to take a walk holding grandma's hand. I always found it adorable that you two would still walk hand in hand after over fifty years of marriage. I would tear up every time I'd see you two like that, still so much in love.

I still miss you so much. I know that grandparents pass and it's something we all have to deal with, but I had you around for so long I was naive in thinking you would always be around. I take comfort in knowing that you had a long and wonderful life filled with people that love you, but that doesn't make this hurt any less. My constant sadness has subsided and now it's just little things that get me upset. Before I would cry if grandma didn't pick up the phone and I heard you on the machine, but now I like it when the machine picks up because getting to hear your voice again makes me smile.

I'm sorry I haven't been to visit you much, but it's just to hard for me. It's painful to see your name engraved on a tombstone and to know that your body is resting below. I know you are always with me and that I don’t have to go to the cemetery to talk to you, this blog is my way of sharing my feelings with you. I love you and I'll always miss you.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ballpark memories..........

As the weather begins to warm up I know it's that time of year again, softball season. Dad had a game the other night and when I talked to mom she said she was on her way to pick up granny Bess because she wanted to watch dad play. I remember you and granny Bess always at the ball park. Whether it was dad, one of your grandkids, or great-grandkids you would never miss a game. Most of the time you had to park along the fence with your air on in the car because it was too hot for you to be outside with your asthma. I remember leaning into the driver's side window of your car and giving you a kiss. If I forgot and tried to walk past you I'd hear "hey you aren't you gonna give your grandpa a kiss young lady?!" I remember how you would tell grandma when someone scored a run because she had her little notepad keeping track of the score. I still don't know why you did that, that's what a scoreboard is for goofy! The last time I was at one of dad's games which was last year I sat in the car with you and grandma. I had Nathaniel and he was too little to be in the hot sun that day.

I miss you so much papaw Goose, but I'm so lucky to have all of these memories of you. I hope that wherever you are you're healthy with a brand new set of lungs. Please watch over my Bess right now, give her the strength to get through loosing you. Her heart is completely broken and she looks so sad.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Weird things make me think of you.

Ok so this is silly, but I was making some bean salad to take to work last night and it made me miss you. It's weird how under normal circumstances making my lunch for work wouldn't mean anything, but now it does. About a week before you passed you told me you wanted me to make you some bean salad and bring it to you when I came home the following weekend. The last time I made bean salad I made it for you, but you never got to eat it. You took a turn for the worse and passed on Thursday, you didn't make it to the following weekend you were referring to.

Grief is a funny thing, why does something as goofy as bean salad make me sad?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I love you always, Grandpa Geesy

One of a kind

My grandpa Goose I miss you so
It's hard to let you go
No longer struggling with your breathing, in a better place I know
I miss your voice, I miss your smile, I miss your hugs, I miss your love
I miss your presence, being around you, visiting you at home
I miss our chats, hearing you say I love you just before I'd hang up the phone
I can't describe this hurt I feel, I miss my papaw, I want you here
I don't know how to stop thinking about you, this sadness wants to stay
28 years of my life has been with you in it and now you've been ripped away
I find it hard being happy because I miss you every day
Our family's slightly broken, slightly awkward without you here
You were the glue that held us all together so tightly through the years
You taught us all how to love and care, being close like families do
And all the love we know now is what we've learned from loving you
To see my Bess it makes me sad
And knowing I can't fix her pain just makes me mad
She knows we're here for her and taking care of her just like you'd want us to
And even though she knows she's loved, her heart, it breaks for you
I know it will get easier and my grief will get better over time
I'm thinking of you often, you are always on my mind.
Forever loved, never forgotten
You were the best papaw ever, you were one of a kind